Most running injuries are caused by impact, typically repetitive impact. As you are running, your heal takes an impact that is 2.5 times your body weight. This doesn't take into account the different road types, so the impact could actually be more than that. Most stresses are absorbed from the knee down, causing over half of all running injuries to be located between the knee and ankle.
There have been several attempts to create shock absorbers and cushions to alleviate the forces your feet and legs endure. There have been studies in the past that focus on the heal, sole, and ball of the foot; however, most research has overlooked the big picture: your entire body. Not to mention majority of the studies to improve shoes only focus on the physical mechanics of running. Even though these studies seem logical (we all wear shoes!) they go against the nature of the human body.

From everything I've read, shoes are counter productive (in all aspects: sports/running/walking). Even though they are designed to aid our feet and legs by transferring some of the forces, our bodies were actually designed to take that impact. By avoiding the forces, we actually do our body harm. With that being said, I found no studies on how torn up your feet become by running shoeless, or how many diseases will be spread by going barefoot in public. Even though it may be damaging in the long run, I am going to stick with shoes. I would rather take my chances with injury compared to coming down with some foot fungus.
wow this is crazy! I quite like the idea and it makes a lot of sense, though I'm definitely with you on the fact I don't think I could bring myself to run barefoot... theres something about all the unknown things on the ground that creeps me out a little bit. Not to mention it sounds a little bit painful. I think it really is a good point though becuase your body cant really feel what its stepping on so it makes sense that it wouldnt be able to respond as it normally would.
I agree completely about the creeping you out. Especially when I think of how much gum, cigarette butts, and spit is on the sidewalk. I might try on the shoes that look like feet, just to see the difference- but I could never run completely barefoot down city streets!
I'm not so worried about foot fungus, but I guess I'm not that excited about getting cuts, or tetanus, or just the general funk of the world. But now that I see these pics, it reminds me that my sister in law ordered some of those footies for beach running, and said she really loves them. Hmmm.
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